Monday, November 4, 2013

Are you middle-aged?

Recently we had friends over for dinner and I was describing someone no one else in the room knew. I said "He's kind of know, around my age." One of my friends laughed and said that I wasn't middle-aged. Which was reassuring, but was he right? If you look at average life expectancy I'm over halfway there. So I searched the 'net and found this British article that helped me figure it out for sure.

First off, the article states that a recent poll found that people consider middle age to start at 53, so whew. But after reviewing their signs of middle-age I'm not so sure.

TOP 40 SIGNS OF GETTING ON (There were 40, but I'm just giving you the highlights. And BTW, I love the Brits. I'm not old! I'm simply "getting on.")

Losing touch with everyday technology such as tablets and TVs (Um, is a tablet like an iPad? Or a Kindle? And ever since we moved it seriously takes me five tries to get both the cable and the TV turned on, and I usually have to get up and do something manually. I felt bad about this, until a friend pointed out I was like this when I was younger too.)

Finding you have no idea what 'young people' are talking about 
(Hmmm...I know what twerking is! Does that count? But the Miley twerking conversation has become so mainstream at this point there is probably a Twerk Out class at Women's Workout World. And WTF is this "What Does the Fox Say" business? I'm going to have to say fail on the whole understanding young people thing.)

Feeling stiff 


Needing an afternoon nap 

(Oh god yes. But I don't think this quiz accounts for being a middle-aged SAHM with a toddler.)

Groaning when you bend down 


Not remembering the name of any modern bands 

(I know some...I just have no idea what they sing [said the clearly middle-aged person].)

Talking a lot about your joints/ailments

(Ask Brad how often I complain about my hips and knees. It is pathetic.)

Hating noisy pubs 

(I used to love them! Getting all smushed up against sweaty strangers and staying out until 4 a.m.....Now I just want to have a nice quiet conversation and a glass of wine.)

Getting more hairy - ears, eyebrows, nose and face 

(Brad said this only applies to men. Ha! Clearly my hair removal efforts have been successful. It's sad when you start getting more chin hairs than Santa. It's even more sad when they start to turn gray.)

Listening to the Archers 

(Do I just not know what this means because it's British? Or is this one of those "modern bands" that I have heard of but don't know any songs by?)

Being told off for politically incorrect opinions

(Wait, so slut-shaming is a thing now? And it's bad?)

When you know your alcohol limit 

(Two drinks it is. Anything more and I'll lose motor function and start knocking things over these days. Seriously.)

Well, you can look and the rest of the top 40 yourself, but my results speak for themselves. And with that, I'm off for my nap.

photo credit: moodboardphotography via photopin cc

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