Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Good heavens, Miss Sakamoto! You're beautiful!

I gave Tater his second haircut the other day. It was much harder than the first since he's a lot more wiggly now. Brad had to attempt to hold his head while I did the cutting. I was so nervous about potentially poking an eye out or cutting off an ear that instead of using the proper haircutting technique my stylist showed me I just went in and lopped off a big chunk. And then tried to fix it. Brad says Tate looks like Thomas Dolby now. Since we didn't have MTV back in the day I had to Google Thomas Dolby to see what he looked like:

I don't think it's quite that bad. But I did notice that in current photos Thomas Dolby is sporting a completely shaved head. I hope Tater doesn't ever have to go that route since his flat spot on the right side of his head still hasn't rounded out.

And I always thought the lyrics in Dolby's "She Blinded Me with Science" were "Good heavens, Miss America, you're beautiful!" Who is Miss Sakamoto? I'll have to ask Brad. He usually knows these things.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Every day's an endless stream...

...of something.

Tate has officially been sick this past month many more days than he has been well. I'll spare you the details, but we're off to the drugstore to pick up some probiotics to try to help fight the side-effects of his antibiotics and keep the little guy from getting dehydrated. Brad and I are slowly coming apart at the seams, but I'm sure we'll be doing better once Tate isn't up late pukeing and whatnot.

Aren't you glad there's no picture with this post?