Sunday, December 2, 2012

Things are going to the dogs around here.

We never heard back from great dane guy after I sent him the super-awesome video tour I made of our condo. But we had six showings this weekend, and the only guy to ask for an application so far has a pit bull. Our realtor has seemingly been advertising on Next up, German shepherd!

On a lighter note, the web analytics indicate that at least one person found my blog by searching "middle aged bikini." I think I've found my niche! And a way to make the extra cash I'll need if we have to lower the rent to find a taker for this place. I'll have to go check to see if is already taken and figure out how to monetize it. It beats selling your underpants on the Internet. One of the guys from our volleyball team who does web stuff I don't understand had a previously-worn-panty-seller as a client. I tried to sell Brad on the idea as my money-making stay-at-home mom gig. I wouldn't have to do laundry (just drop 'em in the mail!), I'd always have cute new underwear, and I could probably even write my underpants off as a business expense. Whenever I try to discuss ideas like this Brad just gives me a look that indicates that a) he's not taking me seriously and b) he's wondering how he ended up married to such a nut job. BTW, Happy anniversary, honey!

One of these days I'll get back to updates about Tater. He is sweet, wonderful, and crazy these days. He's not super keen on us dragging all of his toys down the hall every other day to hide them for showings, but he's hanging in there.

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