From month 5 to 6 Tate started rolling over (stomach to back, mostly to get out of tummy time) but he didn't do it on a regular basis. We also started him on solids, and he didn't get really interested until right about 6 months when I started mixing applesauce with the rice cereal. At his 6-month checkup he was 14 lbs 15 oz. I think he was something like 26 inches long. All checked out well except the ped. wants me to go to an eye doc at Children's Memorial to make sure he's not cross-eyed. The ped. is 98% sure he's fine, but since Brad needed eye surgery when he was younger he'd rather have us be safe and get it looked at.
We're still enjoying him like crazy. Here's a sleepy shot of Brad and his Dad the morning Tate turned 6 months old.

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