So we gave Tate his first taste of solids a few weeks ago. Based on how excited he is about his grape-flavored antibiotic, his Vitamin D drops, and even the sweet oral rotovirus vaccine (he cried almost as much when they stopped giving him that as he did when he got his actual shots) I thought he'd be one of those babies who dive right in when it comes to solids. Nope. The first time he let me feed him the rice cereal, but he just pushed each bite out with his tongue. Ditto with attempt #2 a week later. So then I tried the rice cereal. It's horrible! So I'm not sure if Tate just isn't ready for solids or if he just has a discerning palate. My doctor had said we could also try applesauce or a really ripe banana, but my sister read somewhere that if you start with something sweet the baby will develop a sweet tooth and it'll be harder to get him to try vegetables. Too late on preventing the sweet tooth, I think.
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