Tater and I made a follow-up visit to the pediatric urologist today. We've been following the situation with his right kidney since I was 20 weeks pregnant with him (how crazy is that?). Basically, his kidney isn't emptying as well as it could. We found out during tests after he was born that this was due to a small(ish) blockage, and that it would either get better on its own or he might need surgery. At today's visit the doctor said that he doesn't see anything that concerns him. The kidney isn't worse, and if anything it's a little bit better. Tate had been on a low dose of antibiotics since he was born to help prevent infection, but now the doc feels comfortable taking him off. Yay!!! And we don't have to go back for a follow-up visit for a year. The doc said we're still just waiting for Tate's body to tell us what needs to be done, and that usually you can get a better idea of what is going to happen by the time a baby is 1 or 2 years old.
I got what felt like a bazillion ultrasounds when I was pregnant, including several to follow the kidney situation. It was funny to see Tate lying there with jelly on his tummy getting an ultrasound to check something I had been getting ultrasounds for when he was still inside me. Tate actually seemed to enjoy the trip to the doctor's office after being condo-bound for the last few days because it has been so cold. During the exam he kept trying to get the doctor's attention (I think he wanted to play) and grabbed onto the cord for the ultrasound scanner with both hands (sadly, Dr. M. didn't seem to get that it was time for tug o' war). And he really enjoyed the ride in the Zipcar. I had trouble getting his car seat in and out since I rarely do that without Brad. I was jostling him around, and he just laughed and laughed. I am so grateful for my happy, healthy baby boy.