I know I say this every month, but I can't believe Tate is 5 months old already. I didn't include any milestones for his 4-month photo, but I think that is because the change wasn't so dramatic from 3-4 months. He just kept getting stronger, but that was about it.
There was definitely a change from 4 to 5 months. Over Christmas we noticed that he was holding up his head so much better, and that he could sit up when we supported him. He also grabs EVERYTHING now. He grabs onto my shirt and holds it when he eats. He'll grab a wipe or his clothes when I'm changing him, and when I try to pull it away from him we get into a little baby vs. Mommy tug o' war and he laughs and laughs. And everything he grabs goes right to his mouth.
Other than that Brad said he read somewhere that babies will start to get your jokes around this age. It's so true! The other day I made a silly joke and he laughed right on cue. It was probably more the look on my face than anything else, but it was still fun.
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