Ok, so I still haven't posted Tate's 9-month OR 10-month photos, but Brad and I are going on vacation! Or I should say, Brad, Tate and I are going on vacation. Brad and I haven't been on a real vacation since our impromptu Costa Rica trip in 2008, so we are definitely due. I was thumbing through a magazine at my hair salon and came across an article that included a spread on what to wear if you are going to Nantucket this summer (cute, preppy J. Crew-ey stuff) and got inspired. Well, turns out you AREN'T going to Nantucket if you are reading an article at your hair salon in June and expect to find a semi-affordable summer rental for a week there. But we did find a cottage on the beach in Cape Cod. And Brad referred another employee to his company so the referral bonus (provided the guy sticks it out for 90 days) helps with the semi-affordable part. We know next to nothing about the area, so we have some research to do in the next couple of weeks. Here's what we know about the Cape going in:
1. Kennedys, Kennedys, Kennedys
2. Cape Cod = Vodka, cranberry, lime
3. The people in The Pina Colada Song like hanky panky at midnight in the dunes there
4. It's a great place to break out the madras skirts and seersucker shorts
We're still trying to work out all of the traveling with Tate stuff, but we're excited for our first family vacation. Since Tate still takes 2 naps a day (and is kind of miserable if he misses one) there may be a lot of time spent sitting on the deck looking at the water while he naps. And that sounds A-Ok to me.